UNCENSORED is a friendly and caring organisation, creating events where everyone should feel safe and able to enjoy the event free from harassment or abuse. These are all-genders, queer-friendly events, open to individuals and couples/open partnerships, of any gender and ability, aged 18+.
UNCENSORED aims to cultivate sex-positive environments where communication and trust coexist, allowing meaningful and, above all, consensual forms of relating.
We have zero tolerance towards any sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, xenophobic, body-slut or kink shaming and non-consensual behaviour.
Members of the UNCENSORED team will be present during every programmed event, so please feel free to report anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe and we will take immediate action.
We are here to help you have a great time so please help us by looking after yourselves and respecting each other.
If you feel unclear on any on the above terminology then please do not hesitate to email us prior to the event as it’s always better to ask.