Here at UNCENSORED, we are very happy to have GVibe as the sponsor for our open call UNCENSORED in lockdown. We asked a few questions to Gvibe creator, Jack Romanski, to find out more about Gvibe products and chat about sex toys trends and tips for sex in isolation.

1) What makes GVibe toys unique?

Well, I could tell you a lot about our patented Bioskin technology, fancy colors, and revolutionary shape. But the main thing making Gvibe toys unique is the charisma of the creator 🙂 Joking of course 🙂 Gvibe toys are unique because our auditory is unique. Yes, all of our customers are different and one-of-a-kind. They love and value our products, so we have an inspiration to create new toys for our beloved ones.

We think out of the box, looking at every project in terms of usability and aesthetics. Gvibe toys not only give a lot of pleasure but also please the eye and can be a decoration of any interior 

Our clients like unobvious designs that can often be used by both men and women.

2) Do you strive to make your toys inclusive?

I think they are already 🙂 We’re presented on all markets, took part in all professional exhibitions and shows all over the world, supporting cultural & artistic events like yours. We are everywhere 🙂 And of course, we are expanding the range of products and services we offer according to requests of our growing auditory.

 3) What have you observed in the demand of Gvibe products during isolation? 

I won’t reinvent the wheel if tell you about the increased demand for almost all products of our industry during isolation. Me and my team were focused on supporting our online customers mostly, but definitely we’ll continue our cooperation with offline shops after their reopening. I know many manufactures decreased production volume by several times, but we decided to launch our Gwear collection of T-shirts in collaboration with Milan based artist, Mirosedina,

4) Any tips for the Uncensored audience on how to continue to enjoy sex and stay playful while in isolation? 

You know, it doesn’t matter either you locked in isolation or not the main tip for enjoying sex and staying playful is love and respect your partner. Many people hit stiff headwinds seeing each other 24/7 cooped up inside during the quarantine. Accountably the sex toys market boomed cause people needed to vary their sexual life during new conditions. But isolation comes and goes, love and respect are valuable forever.

We encourage our clients to experiment and discover their bodies and sexuality, especially in times when you have to sit at home forcibly. In addition to many health benefits, sex is a great way to spend time alone or with a partner.