Liad Hussein Kantorowicz is a performance artist, activist, and perpetual migrant. Her performances deal with de-exotifying and de-mystifying the positions of so-called sexual or political deviants. In them, the body is used as a tool to transgress the boundaries of the public space, and to call into question the public‘s ‘democratic’ limitations.
Her performance work has been presented at the 10th Berlin Biennale, Athens Museum of Queer Arts AMOQA, Kampnagel Hamburg, Transmediale festival Berlin, Ljubljana’s City of Women, Berliner Festspiele, Arcola Theatre London, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, Kabareet in Haifa/Palestine and more, and in streets, social centers and queer bars in Europe and Palestine-Israel. Her first short film NO DEMOCRACY HERE premiered at CPH:DOX and is currently touring film festivals around the world. Her first EP with her musical partner Kalpour will be released later this year. Hussein Kantorowicz is a spokesperson for sex workers’ rights and a founder of a Berlin’s peer project for migrant sex workers at Hydra e.V.
Not everything in life is pussy. But everything in life is pussy.
Can we use our pussies as a tool to defy the current world order? It’s 2019, and pussy is still a central site of discrimination against women – whether through child-bearing and motherhood or through presenting the feminine as sexual objects/subjects, or other means. Have a pussy and you will inevitably experience discrimination. With this in mind, this performance asks: should we centralise our pussies and utilise them to form a resistance? Or, perhaps, we should de-centralise our pussies in resistance, in hopes that this de-centralisation will decrease the level through which we are essentialised as women?
Inspired by Carolee Schneemann’s Interior Scroll and by thai ping pong shows, the show mashes up some lecture-performance-style texts along with a very naked body, choreography, lipstick, live music, serving in drag, and, of course, pussy.
On Friday, Hussein Kantorowicz will also present in UNCENSORED her documentary No democracy here.
SUNDAY 19 MAY: 17:00-18:00 @The Yard Theatre